Friday, December 2, 2016

My Name

My name is Citlalli. Its from a native language and it means star. My parents were going to name me Brittany but they decided on Citlalli. I have to thank God for that choice. A lot of people can't prounounce my name correctly so I have to interact with them and correct them. I personally like my name because it sounds exotic and rolls well in my native language, Spanish. My middle name, Guadalupe, means valley or river with the Arabic origin. My last name means emotionally stabled and peacemaker. It's origin is from Spain. A name means a lot. Some names have certain stigma like Brittany or Tiffany. I like my name and I really appreciate my name.


  1. Your name is really interesting... the only "cool" thing about my name is that it's spelled with an "f" instead of a "ph". Because Russians.

  2. My name actually isn't that interesting. I have a sister named Genalee and her name is truly "unique".
