Friday, April 28, 2017

Health Myths

For some reason my family is obsessed with their health and they try to be as healthy as possible while not changing their mostly meat diet. They are always telling me things like carrots give you night vision and eating chocolate gives you acne. Around a month ago I had a really bad breakout and the first thing they asked me was, " did you eat a lot of chocolate?". As a chocolate addict I have got to say that I was determined to disprove that myth. So I searched it up and I found out that it was a myth. Luckily for me I could go on eating chocolate without worry, except for all that sugar...

I ended up getting interested in this topic and I ended up researching more health myths. This is the link.

Here are some of the ones I found most phenomenal :

1. Coffee stops your growth
2. If you eat too much sugar you'll get sugar high
3. It takes years for gum to be processed
4. Humans have five senses (to explain a bit more about this we also have a sense of balance, temperature, noticepain, etc. )
5. Everyone should drink 8 glasses of water everyday

What did you think was true?


  1. Carrots do actually help with "night vision", since they're a great source of Vitamin A, but it's still amusing that I'm a carrot "addict", and yet I wear glasses full-time (Obviously, not when I'm sleeping).
