Sunday, November 20, 2016

Every year we have many things to be grateful. This year I am grateful for my friends, family, new opportunities, etc. Though people might not realize they have so many things to be grateful for. Sometimes people whine about not having enough when really, depending on your perspective, you have so much more. We all want to obtain more and more but if we tried to make a list of all the things we have to be grateful for it would be as long as a roll of tape. All we need to do is voice out our thanks, and try to give back.

Sunday, November 13, 2016

Election Thoughts

The election of 2016 has been in my opinion, a horrible one. Choosing between Hillary and Donald Trump is like choosing a way to die. One will kill you slowly but give no pain but the other will be a quick stab to the gut. No matter which one you choose you'll end up in a dead end. Luckily, I wasn't one of the people voting, as I am not eligible yet, but I have pity for the people who were forced to make a decision. The elction was decided by these voters, who I think did a bad job (come on people Donald Trump!!!). but it was, sadly, the slight majority.

I wouldn't say I'm involved with politics. I know whats going on only if its something insane on social media. This happens quite a lot which really tells you how America is changing. I would like to be involved more and I think I will be forced to because it might bring some personal changes (immigration laws.) To do that I'll try to read one of the plethora of articles that we have access to.

In the next election I want to vote. I want to have part in who will be President but I think I'll have trouble with that unless we have better candidates running next election (as the ones now are very inadequate) I'm not excited about it but now more than ever I know the importance of a few votes. I know that immigration and abortion laws are important to me so I will be looking at these the most next election.
