Sunday, February 26, 2017

An Image of Nazi Propaganda

What is propaganda?
Propaganda is when you try to influence people's views by showing biased information usually for a political motive. A famous example of this is Rosie the riveter which motivated the woman to join the workforce while their husband were in the war so that the U.S would still be able to make profit. Another example was Uncle Sam's "I want you for the U.S army

Here are is an image of Nazi Propaganda.

The image shows a baby huddled up by scaryily portraid jews while the caption reads "Every little jewish baby grows up to be a jew." This was aimed towards all people in the time of World War 2 in germany. It wad made to start haitred on every single jew, leaving no jew (not even babies) without harm. I still have the same perspective that nobody should be hated for what they are but what they do. But i think in its time it was very effective in bringing out the hate in the germans. It was hard not to with all of this anti-jew propaganda. Its very horrible how these things were portrayed but it honestly seems like a brilliant tactic that Hitler was proud of. He continued the prejiduce they had against the Jews developing it and watering it like a plant only to use it as a weapon for his evil plan against the Jews. Its very scary how the human mind is influenced, especially throughout the generations.

Friday, February 24, 2017

Who would I want to hang on with?: Famous People

If I could hang out with somebody famous the would hang out with Debbie Reynolds the American sweetheart. Even though she died very recently I am very interested in her life. She was an phenomenal dancer, singer, and actor and even was in a movie with Frank Sinatra. I would hang out with her at my house where we would binge watch all her movies. Then I would ask her how they made that scene, how long it took them, I would basically interview her about all of her experiences. It would be so cool.

Learn about Debbie Reynolds:

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

15 Things That Make Me Happy

1. When I'm with my family
Whenever I've had a long day there is nothing that beats coming home to my family. Being in my house immediately energizes me and I like the simple things I do with my siblings like watching a tv show or just talking about our day.

2. A Good Healthy Dinner
Food is really important to me and usually health seems irrelevant. But when I eat healthy I feel healthy and energized instead of greasy and bloated. I like the days when I eat fried chicken and enchiladas but I love the motivation and energy to do things when I feel healthy.

3. Not having any homework
I'm sure everyone knows what I mean when I say I'm happy to not have homework. That means that I could just go home and binge watch a new tv show while eating ice cream. I could just live my life and spend my free time without worries after a 7 hour long work time.

4. Making Plans
There is something about making plans that makes me feel like I have a life. It reminds me of the fact that I have friends to support me and people around me.

5. Helping Others
I like helping others with small things. For example I might give them food, lend them a pencil, or just help them with a math problem. I like it when they thank me with a smile on their face. Supporting people means they might support me when I'm in trouble.

6. Organizing
Whenever I organize I get the satisfaction of seeing everything in order, I can't describe the feeling I get after cleaning my house or organizing my nail polish collection.

7. Sleeping Late
Every weekday I feel as if I slave away just waiting for the chance to sleep late. Friday's are the best only because I get to sleep late. I feel like a bear hibernating and waking up in the spring. I love sleep so much.

8. Making My Own Dinner
I feel really capable when I make my own food. It makes me feel independent and capable. It's also very tasty.

9. Buying Clothes and Planning New Outfits
I know how this makes me sound but I love shopping for things. Dressing up is one of the funniest things to do. I like asking my friends and family for their opinion and comparing the different opinions. I can never shop alone but when I do shop for things it makes me happy.

10. Having a Long Conversation
Sometimes when I come home I have long talks with my sister about life. It's always very random but also a very nice thing. I love it when we finally realize what time is it and then have to go do things. Our talks always feel like a pause on reality.

11. Getting Food
I love it when my family and I go out to eat. It really makes me happy to be able to dress up and have a good meal.

12. Doing Nothing for a Day
I have to got to school 7 hours a day, not counting my after school clubs and because of that whenever it's a weekend I try to do nothing work. It gets stressful after a while. I just love having no responsibilities for a day.

13. Typing Loudly  + Cracking my Fingers
I have long nails so whenever I type I make noises. But the noises are a bit relaxing to me and make me feel like I'm a secretary at her job. I always subconsciously sit up straighter when I'm typing. Cracking my fingers also relaxes me.

14. Making a Complicated Nail Design
The reason I like painting my nails is because it's very relaxing. I get time to be alone with my thoughts and plan out what design I'm doing next,

15. Finishing a Good Book
I love finishing a book and slamming it closed. It makes me feel accomplished. It's like finishing a long project.

Tuesday, February 14, 2017


Perserverance is when you keep trying no matter what difficulties you face. A time that I perservered is when I had a really stressful group project. We had difficulties with timing, sharing the work, etc but in the end it all worked out great.

We watched a video on a man who was born with no arms or legs and how he was motivating others. He had the courage to talk to others about his struggle and to do things that a man without no limbs shouldn't be able to do. He had the kindness to give advice and suggestions for others to be happy and give effort in their lives. He had self respect to know that he shouldn't give up even with his disabilities. 

Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Super Bowl Commercial

Every year I usually watch the Super Bowl with my family. Not because I like football but because of the commercials and the half time show. Especially the food we eat that day. This year I regret not watching it but luckily we have YouTube to watch all of those commercials. My favorite commercial was the Lumbar 84 commercial about a mother and her daughter and their journey and perseverance to get into America. In my blog I've talked about Donald trump and how he is a danger to all immigrants. I felt like this commercial was really sentimental and really hit hard. It tells a message about effort and how much we work to get in here. That was my favorite one this year.

Wednesday, February 1, 2017


Dear President,

I have been thinking hard about this presidency and I realize that it is going to be very difficult for you. As a person with common sense I feel qualified to give you advice and suggestions as you are lacking that common sense. First of all, please don't press the red button. It may be tempting, it may call your name, but please for all the citizens of America don't press it.

Second if all, don't say anything bad to the media(twitter  and other social media still counts). Go through a checklist before you speak.
1. Is what I'm saying going to offend anyone or any social group?
2. Is what I'm saying going to help anybody?
If you do this I can assure you you will have avoided a protest.

 Third of all, beware of assasinations. Now, I know that as the president you already have protection everywhere you go but I have a sneaking suspicion somebody might try to sneak in and finish you off to save America. Try to make amend so maybe less people will hate you.

